CPI believes spaying and neutering are essential to ensure a healthy dog population and we are excited to help kick-start Sierra Leone’s first organised sterilisation programme.
We have teamed up with Freetown City Council to spay up to 70% of the female dogs in the neighbourhood of Wilberforce Village in the country’s capital. The project will be led by FCC’s Animal Welfare Unit and all spaying costs will be covered by CPI.

The first phase of the intervention plan was approved by the city’s mayor in April. By the end of May the team has already spayed 16 dogs with two more waiting for their pups to be weaned before having the operation.
So far, 52 dogs also received medical treatment ranging from de-worming and treatment for wounds and skin conditions.
During the project, CPI co-founder Sea Ramanat, also identified two mums and 10 puppies in need of new homes. Sea is currently fostering the group until they are matched with new and loving homes.
Sadly, the team was left with no option to euthanise one dog suffering from an advanced tumour.
Phase 1 of the sterilisation project will include the total spaying of 80 female dogs with a goal of spaying six dogs every week. Dogs will also be vaccinated and licensed. Plus, dog owners will be given advice on post-operative care and informed on the importance of maintaining a healthy dog population.
CPI hopes to start the second phase in the coming months which will see a similar model in another area of the city that has a large homeless dog population.

CPI co-founder, Sea Ramanat helped oversee the programme in Wilberforce Village.
She said: “We’re so happy with how well phase one of the FCC-led spaying programme has gone so far.
“The plan doesn’t just include the spaying of female dogs. Many dog owners have also come out to have their pets licenced, treated for different problems, and vaccinated against rabies.
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Keep up with our programme updates over on Instagram (@compassionate.paws).